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How Exactly It Works
The Law of Attraction is continuously active in the background, whether you are aware of it or not; whether you have this knowledge or not, whether you believe in it or not, whether you like it or not.
It was working in the past as well. It will work in the future as well.
The Law of Attraction is not a machine or a person out there doing something. It's just law, a theory, or an understanding. The Universe comprises of all the outer elements, living and non-living, all made of Energy of various forms, such as static, dynamic, kinetic, potential, radiant, etc. On the other hand, YOU are the Center of the Universe, attracting various types of Life Experiences based on what is contained within you. This is happening on a continuous (moment-to-moment) basis.
📃 This is similar to how YouTube says their machine-learning system works. Videos (manifestations) are not pushed out, rather, they are pulled in (magnetized) by the Viewers (i.e. You). I don't fully believe that, because I believe there is tremendous amount of (& unfair) manual intervention happening, but writing it here, because it is a nice analogy.
🧠 Like the wind always flows (not just when it's happy), like the earth revolves and rotates automatically (not just when it's happy), like the law of gravity is always active (that too for everyone in the world without bias), the law of attraction continuously brings you Life Experiences based on what YOU contain (in terms of Energy). We have to work in accordance with the laws, so that our life becomes more and more beautiful.
Often people say, "the law of attraction STARTED WORKING for me". That's a 'technically' incorrect statement. You can say that you are now understanding the correlation between your Thoughts and their manifestations and that you are now living your life in accordance with the laws of Energy Exchange.
Someone commented on my 'Hook-up Culture' video as to why YouTube didn't show him the video when he was in the hook-up culture, but only when wanted to come out of it. That's because Change needs to begin from You. You need to have that Desire first. The Universe helps you if you want to change. It does not decide for you when you should change.
You can't.
You need to work WITH the law.
So, never say, "I had a good day". Say, "I contained happy, positive, and elevated Energy, and, thus, I attracted those kinds of elements towards me by the virtue of the Law of Attraction".
Never say, "I had a bad day". Say, "I contained negative, sad, and depressing Energy, and, thus, I attracted those kinds of elements towards me by the virtue of the Law of Attraction."
Science behind "Energy attracts energy"
The fact that Energy attracts Energy is something basic and purely Scientific.
💡 To explain using a simple example: We all have heard of Harmonic Resonance. A simple experiment that you may have done during your childhood - Holding a couple of tuning forks with varying lengths of their prongs. When one fork is struck, it vibrates, setting out waves that impact (or not impact) the other forks depending on their dimensions. Although this is an example from Acoustics
, meta-physics behaves similarly.
A person sending out Dominant Negative Energy (whether consciously or not) to its surroundings resonates (i.e. matches) with only the Negative Elements in the surroundings (even if there are Positive Elements present around).
🧲 So, whatever is the Energy (i.e. the Thoughts, Feelings, Patterns) you carry, you gravitate (i.e. magnetize towards yourself with an attractive magnet-like force) those exact energy-matching worldly situations towards yourself in the form of people or life-events.
Yes, it is as technical / physical / automatic / simple as it sounds here.
So, if you are Happy (and in a 🌳 garden), you will bump into a flower. If you are feeling down and depressed, the garden will be unexpectedly closed on that day. This is the Critical Point where you have the choice to change your Energy (or not). What usually happens is, we come across a bad situation and make a clamour about it so much that we worsen our (specific) Beliefs, by reaffirming, strengthening them, deepening them within ourselves, and we keep gravitating those kinds of Life Experiences towards us by the virtue of the Law of Attraction.
This happens the other way around too. Whenever you feel hopeful, enthusiastic, positive, and motivated about something, you gravitate positive and happy Life Experiences towards yourself by the virtue of the Law of Attraction. In such a mood, even if you come across something that is actually negative, you will deal with it very well.
However, there is a gray area here. It is not very binary or straightforward. You can attract something positive-looking if you're presently negative, and vice-versa. More about that later.
What are Life Experiences after all? They are the situations and circumstances that come from the other end i.e. that which happens towards you i.e. in your direction. You driving your vehicle is your ACTION, whereas the road being very bad and bumpy is the SITUATION or INCIDENT or EVENT. How you feel about it becomes your LIFE EXPERIENCE. You THINK bad about the situation, FEEL bad and your mood changes to ugly, and that is when you (for example) either create a new HABIT (of getting irked in such scenarios), or re-affirm / negate an existing one (learning to let go). How you perceive it is based on your BELIEFS. Thus, Beliefs are at the core of everything. Through simple introspection, you can find out your pain-causing beliefs and gradually change them.
Self-understanding, self-empathy, self-love, self-counseling, self-talk, deep thinking, and silence of the Mind, (all of these being the common forms of meditation) boost up this process.
"You attract what you are,
not what you want".
Let me correct it to, "You attract what you are,
and you CAN attract what you want."
"Be the change"
Everything we get in life is by the virtue of our Energy. When something goes away from us, that is also due to our Energy. When we (energetically) match with something / someone, it is drawn towards us. When we do not match with something, it automatically gets drawn away from us.
Understanding the law gives you the opportunity to change and become an Energy-match to the kind of energy you're looking out for. We usually consider the Law of Attraction as the "means" to get what we want in life. That's an incomplete understanding. Law of Attraction is not a pipeline or a medium. It's just law, an understanding - that you get what you ARE. In other words, the package of Habits / Beliefs you ARE keeps attracting matching life situations towards you. So, whatever you are presently seeing in your life is due to what you ARE (or in better words, it is a match to what you have become over a period of time).
If you want to change your life, you have to change your Energy. That's exactly what Mahatma Gandhiji said, "Be the change you want to see in the world". By becoming (in terms of Energy) what you want (which is also a pattern of Energy), you 'law of attract' what you want. Found that extremely cute image via Google.
❓ A simple question that may arise in anybody's mind, "I want a partner, so what does it mean to 'be' what I want?". Well, it only means that you should be of that caliber. You should be 'the partner' to find 'the partner'. You cannot be a sad, sulking, negative energy-carrying person to attract the kind of partner you are looking for. Well, if your present Energy is negative, you will only end up in attracting a partner who is also sad, sulking, negative himself (if at all you do). You don't want that, because that will make your life even more miserable.
"Tum besahara ho toh, kisika sahara bano...
Tumhein apne aap hi sahara mila jayega..."
That is why it is said that you should GIVE what you want from others. It essentially means that you should CREATE those types of Energy Patterns within you, so that you will then start LOA'ing those kinds of life-situations. People are sad that they don't have partners. They attract other sad partners into their lives. Then there are break-ups, and they get even more sad, concluding, "I don't deserve a partner", and they never attract the right partner thereafter. That's such a loss, isn't it?
There's such a simple change required in one's life (in the above example). One just needs to be happy in general (i.e. radiate happiness) to attract a happy partner, be GIVING (in general - to attract a giving partner), be understanding in general (i.e. have that personality trait) to attract an understanding partner. Why deprive yourself of what you want, when all that you need to do is a slight change in the way you think and perceive life?
Energy does not travel! You gravitate Scenarios.
You read above that everything that is happening in your life is due to the Law of Attraction.
💡 So, if your kids are constantly fighting with each other, does that mean that you have magnetized it? Absolutely Yes. Blame them only 50% for it. 0% in fact. If you witnessed an accident on the road, did you magnetize that scene into your life? Absolutely Yes. Each and everything you experience in life is magnetized by you and only you. Well, what you witness may also happen independently... in your absence, e.g. the road accident, the children fighting, but if you witnessed and experienced that scene, you magnetized it. It means that you had the Tendency within you that caused you to magnetize it.
Now, depending on your will-power and inner-strength, you face the situation. So, one parent may get furious watching his kids fight, whereas the other parent may just not care about it. Nevertheless, both these parents magnetized the situation individually.
The Mind / Soul is non-physical (meta-physical) and so is Energy. So, Energy does not physically travel as such in time and space, however, whatever is present in your Thoughts and Feelings, based on your Actions, you see or bring those kinds of circumstances into your life. For example, if you want someone to get healthier, it is not that your Thoughts reach them and they get healthier. It means that you see only their healthier side. If they have the will-power, they get completely well and that is how you think that your Thoughts changed them. Actually, you cannot take any credit towards their wellness. Yes, you may share that Thought with them, and inspire them, however, the rest is not in your hands.
In any case, you experiencing a life-situation is purely based on what YOU contain within.
It responds to you individually.
It does NOT care about what's happening
in others' lives.
It's NOT Black & White
It is not black-and-white, because your Energy is not black-and-white. You can be negative and magnetize positive people towards you. However, that will not help you in the long run. Also, if you are negative and you magnetize negative scenarios, it does not mean that the fault lies only with you. The world is full of negativity. Same goes for situations when you are positive and magnetize positivity or negativity.
So, how to find what needs change in yourself, especially if you do not want to magnetize what you may be magnetizing?
🧠 Well, if you observe your life, at least for the significant situations that cause you emotional pain, you will observe a pattern. Irrespective of whether or not there is a pattern to undesired situations, all you need to check is how you feel while facing the situation. If you like something, you feel good, thereby expecting more of it.
🛠 If you don't like something, you feel bad, expecting less or none of it. Once you consciously recognize your Feelings, thank the situation for mirroring your Feelings to you. Then go back and check the underlying Perceptions or Beliefs or Assumptions you may be carrying in your mind. Form Beliefs in your own words, if required. Check if they are correct or if they make sense.
No one else can do it for you. Elevated knowledge based on some truths of life - such as that mentioned on this website - can help you correct your Beliefs and Perceptions, and change or modify them as necessary.
Let's take an example - I visit a Shopping Mall in a pretty ordinary mood (neither happy nor sad). I shop for all that I require, and then come to the billing counter to come across the biller boy who is not focused on his work. He cracks jokes with his co-workers, bills the items incorrectly, and does not do his job well. Now, suppose this makes me uncomfortable (not just because my time is wasted, but because he is not giving his customer proper attention), I experience discomfort, I will be irked. I may instantaneously shout at him and try to teach him what's right.
This indicates that I have several Beliefs, such as, "Sellers should treat customers well and with politeness", "A customer is allowed and supposed to get angry", "I am a customer", "He will do his job well after I teach him a lesson" and so on. Let's take these few for now and dissect them:
• "I am a customer." True, but that does NOT mean that I need to be rude or angry or upset. I can still keep my dignity intact.
• "Sellers should treat customers well and with politeness.". Well, yes, they should, but if they don't, it is not compulsory for me to disturb my mood.
• "A customer is allowed and supposed to get angry.". Wrong.
• "He will do his job well after I teach him a lesson.". Not necessarily.
Well, if you want people to be scared of you, and if you enjoy getting angry at someone, and expect them to continue to be good to you, that's a separate story altogether (not in the scope of this website).
Identifying Beliefs
Beliefs are formed as a result of cyclic events - We PERCEIVE events based on our BELIEFS, which are essentially our THOUGHTS. We then FEEL accordingly, and then re-affirm our BELIEFS. This creates our PACKAGE OF BELIEFS / ENERGY. This results in the Law of Attraction to bring Energy-matching circumstances in front of us (in the form of people and situations). Although it's a cycle, and even though a cycle does not have a start or an end, we are the Creators of our Thoughts, and we are the ones who have the power to break the cycle at any point. Even if a Belief has been built up over thousands of years, it doesn't necessarily take another thousand years to erase it. It can be erased within a second, and this depends on your conviction and more importantly, your willingness to change it.
(though it starts from the conscious place)
and that's the level at which the law of attraction works.

It is not only a tried and tested guaranteed method by me, but also by quite a few people I have advised this - When a difficult person comes across you and behaves in a particular way (may be through words, gestures, or even looks), notice YOUR Feelings. They will lead you to your Beliefs. You have to identify your Beliefs and bridge them (thought-by-thought) slowly and then change them to positive beliefs. Nobody else can do it for you. If you want to see change in your life, you have to make these efforts - not just once after reading this, but consistently. You will start seeing results only after a consistent, regular, uninterrupted practice of a couple of weeks. Changing Beliefs is not difficult at all. However, it's a change. Like how it is not difficult to re-paint the house, but it needs consistency, efforts, and time, so is this. However again, if you do this so that others change, it will never work. If you do this so that your life experiences change, it will definitely work.
You will get it only if you want it
Here's a very important understanding that you should have - It is your Thoughts and overall Energy about your Life that brings you what you want. If you are a person who believes in having only peace and not very fond of physical materials, you will definitely be a peaceful person living in little, and that's perfectly fine for you. However, if you have not created the Thoughts of wanting a car or a house, the Universe or God or whoever will not say, "Hey, he / she is such a nice and selfless boy / girl, let's gift him a complimentary car or house, because he is peaceful." That's NOT how it works.
It is essential that you energetically work towards your Desires. This is where "Happiness in the Present" plays an important role. Happiness is the predecessor of physical manifestations. A physical manifestation, however, will not be the successor of happiness, when it is not desired. If I am happy in my life right now, and I simply do not want a bungalow, why on earth will I get one?
There is no "Buy 1 Get 1 FREE" offer in the Universe, where if you are working towards only Peace, you will get a Lover too (when you are consciously not wanting it)!
It works like Google Search
Suppose you want to search for "heart shapes" on the Internet, what will you enter in the Google's Search Bar? Obviously, "hearts" or "heart shapes" or something like that. Correct?
Now, tell me, if you DON'T WANT "chocolates" to be listed in the search results, and you enter "No Chocolates" in the Google's Search Bar, what will happen? Your search results will be full of chocolates.
This is exactly how the Law of Attraction works. When you say, "I don't want that irritating person in my life", or "This world is horrible / impure", or "People are so troublesome and viceful", or "I hate this ghor kalyug" or "I don't want to be lonely", that's exactly what you'll get back multiplied.
You magnetize / amplify whatever you think about - whether you like it or dislike it, whether that's what you want or that's what you don't want. This happens because you haven't changed your Thoughts and Beliefs and are exaggerating the unwanted in your mind.
You cannot repel anything from you as such. All that you need to do is change its Perception in your Mind. To not search it in Google's bar, simply don't enter that text. Similarly, to not experience that in your life, just focus on something else altogether until your energy changes.
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