Mind Exercises by Sagar | No Self-work

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• No Self-work •


Yes, you read it right.

Relax. Deflate. Let Go.

Taking a few days off from physical training and exercises helps your body relax and rejuvenate, and let the effect of those exercises seep in. This is, however, assuming that you have been consistent in your physical training.

Similarly, once you begin on this journey, you tend to work 24 x 7 on your Mind, and correcting, diverting, channelizing your Thoughts in the positive direction, and, at times, it can be exhausting.

Therefore, I thought of coming up with this Mind Exercise - Just do NOTHING for a week (in terms of Self-work), and relax yourself and your Mind with Faith and Right Attitude. This particularly helps when you're working too much and seeing no results.

Just LET GO of the need to work on yourself or to constantly correct yourself. Don't worry, it will come back 😊

Self-work is NOT the PURPOSE of Life.
It is just a way to reconnect with yourself.