Mind Exercises by Sagar | Meditation

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Mind Exercises by Sagar | Meditation


Meditation is the best Mind Exercise ever.

Meditation is right thinking,
not hypothetical thinking.
Meditation is much more than
mere Positive Thinking.

Meditation is essentially Silencing /
Quietening the Mind,
the basis of which is faith.

Mind Exercises are indeed
various forms of meditation.

 💡  Long before the time of the Buddha or the great Indian yogis, shamans in hunter-gatherer cultures throughout the world used meditative practices to enter altered states of consciousness, known as trances. Focusing their minds through drumming or rhythmic chanting; dancing in simple, repetitive steps; and sometimes using hallucinogenic plants, these men and women left their bodies and journeyed to the "world of the spirits." From there they brought back sacred wisdom, healing abilities, magical powers, and spirit blessings for the sake of the tribe.

Here's the list of Meditation video available on this Page:

One Minute
Let Go of Negative Experiences
Send Love to your Crush
Meditation for Kids


One Minute Meditation videos

It is not "compulsory" to keep your eyes closed or open. As long as you can be focused during your meditation, whatever suits you is perfect for you.

Many more available on    manifestwithsagar


Let Go of Negative Experiences

This is a general guided meditation commentary for releasing the pain that you may have associated with your past negative experiences. Focusing forward is very important.

Everyone can benefit from this general meditation commentary, but those who have read my "Awakening Story" (the Awakening section on my website) will specifically find it highly beneficial.

Let Go and Uplift.
Let Go and Uplift.
Let Go and Uplift.


Send Love to your Crush

It is so easy to become hateful towards someone who doesn't love / like you back. Let's do the exact opposite, and generate good feelings about all those people who were like (romantically, sexually, or as potential partners). Just do it, and see the magic.

Don't need Objects. Use your Imagination.


Meditation for Kids

The world has progressed today, but everything comes with a cost. There are too many distractions around. While there are benefits, there is lack in focus. A calm Mind helps you achieve everything that you want.
Kids, today, are facing many challenges... a lot more than what the kids did 10 / 20 / 30 years ago. These commentaries can help your kid in focusing back into the present moment, and slow down his / her fast Mind. A slowed down Mind helps in better decision-making and having better experiences in life. Everyone can benefit from them.

Meditation is NOT the PURPOSE of Life.
It is just a way to reconnect with yourself.