Mind Exercises by Sagar | 16 Things a Day

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16 Things a Day 

bit.ly/16thingsaday | Reviewed & appended: Jan 2023

A Mind Exercise by 'Awaken with Sagar'.

 💡  A 2017 survey has shown that 79% of Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) reach out to their Mobile Phones within 15 minutes of waking up.

While I am not against Mobile Phones or Technology, consuming "information" as soon as you wake up is detrimental to not only your Mental Health, but also to your Spiritual Progress and your Ability to Manifest.

What "information" am I referring to here? What others are doing / Who all viewed your Stories / How many Likes / Comments you received / How is your Post progressing / What is going around the world (NEWS) / Is there a new post by someone you're following... and so on and so forth.

This is a simple truth of life (may sound bitter in today's times):

The more you're externally focused,
the less beautiful your life is.

Think about it - if you want to be able to earn more money, and you read others' captions that sound like, 'life is difficult', 'it is very difficult to survive in today's world' daily, why would you even attempt doing something for more money? You will only be negatively focused on everything  😵 

In our yesteryears, we prayed to God after waking up or spoke with our family members or played with toys. Below is a Mind Exercise that helps you grow spiritually.

What the Mind contains,
it receives back in
the form of life experiences.

I'm sure you've read the above line in the Law of Attraction section. So, why not feed the Mind with the WANTED? Why not focus on things, more of which you want first?

This is one of the best Mind Exercises for changing your Energy Level, and getting yourself positively focused IN and ON Life. Do it as FUN, and you will not even know when the Universe surprisingly delivers to you the things that you Desire.

I highly recommend this Mind Exercise, and it is my personal favorite. All that you have to do is make a list of 16 things, as described below.

This Mind Exercise takes hardly 3-5 minutes, and you can do it before getting out of the bed while rolling in it in the morning  🌞 

5 Things I HAVE / I am grateful for

Many people maintain  📖 Gratitude Journals in which they regularly write things (from the minutest to the biggest) in their lives that they are grateful for. Here's an easier alternative:

→ After you wake up, while doing your morning chores, enlist five things that you are grateful for, in your own Mind (or even better if you can speak it out loud)  🗣 
→ These could be physical (materialistic) or non-physical (spiritual, non-materialistic) things.
→ Tell yourself WHY you are grateful to them. Do it detailed enough that you spend at least 2-4 minutes doing this.

This is a short version of Gratitude that is explained in another section. Note that these are the things you already have in your life. Each day, try to come up with a new list. If you're reminded of a sixth one, keep it pending for the next day.

 📌  Note that "Things" in this context means "Anything" - including activities / abilities / people / relationships / intangible things, etc. Keep changing the items in each list daily, to avoid them from rusting  😊 

5 Things I would like to have

→ make a list of five things you would like to have in your life. Again, they could be physical or non-physical. You are free to choose anything that you want.

These are simple simple things. This could be something that you want the same day as well. Do NOT restrict this list to your Long Term Goals. Have that thing in the list that you're working for TODAY.

Note that these are the things that you presently don't have in your life, but you would like to have them. Each day, try to come up with a new list. If you're reminded of a sixth one, keep it pending for the next day.

You do NOT need to JUSTIFY why you want them, because that MAY take you in a negative direction.

 📌  Note that "Things" in this context means "Anything" - including activities / abilities / people / relationships / intangible things, etc. Keep changing the items in each list daily, to avoid them from rusting  😊 

5 Things I LIKE

Go to one of your closest family members (or anyone who is willing to share this with you) and ask them five things they like, or like doing or having. Going to someone else for this one is really optional (although it will help them too), and involve them only if they're 100% willing to do it. If not, do it alone.
→ You tell them (or yourself, if doing it alone) five things you like (doing / having).

Note that these are the things you're already aware of. You may or may not have them in your possession as such. They could be worldly things. Each day, try to come up with a new list. If you're reminded of a sixth one, keep it pending for the next day.

 📌  Note that "Things" in this context means "Anything" - including activities / abilities / people / relationships / intangible things, etc. Keep changing the items in each list daily, to avoid them from rusting  😊 

1 Thing that makes me Feel SAFE / CONNECTED / SATISFIED

Here's the latest addition to this Mind Exercise.
→ Identify ONE Simple Thing that makes you Feel Safe / Connected / Satisfied.

You may repeat it daily, but try to identify a new one each time while doing this Exercise.

 📌  Note that "Thing" in this context means "Anything" - including tangible / intangible / activity, etc. NOT People.

Just one Positive Thought in the morning
can change your whole day.

Here, you create 16.

It is NOT mandatory to write these in your Journal. Keep it regular, though.