Sagar | My Travel

.My Travel

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You travel not to explore the world,
but to explore yourself.
- Sagar Sonker

I love traveling. It gives me an opportunity to see all the beauty that this world has to offer. You can read my travel stories, reviews, and (mostly positive) experiences by clicking on the Locations above. Times New Roman - Red - 14 - Regular

Travel Map

Below is my Travel Map, which I love to update on a regular basis.
I've travelled to 43 cities across 3 countries so far.


Helpful Links / Information

These are some links / websites that I found useful during my Travel Researches. You may find them useful as well. However, I would recommend you to refer to the latest and official sources for accurate information.

Things to Carry.pdf  (Downloaded more than 87 times)
Visa requirements for Indian citizens
LGBT rights in Asia

Gay Travel

Nomadic Boys
Top 10 Gay Wedding Destinations

22 International Destinations Every Middle Class Indian Can Afford
22 Cheap destinations for 2017 with great weather in April

Hong Kong

VISA Information
Pre-arrival Registration (Immigration Department)

How many countries have currencies
less valuable than the Indian rupee?

Reader's comment from the page: This doesn't matter much as PPP (purchasing power parity) of a currency matters more than it's value vis-a-vis other currencies mostly USD (since currencies fluctuate and most are only traded against the dollar, some are partially convertible or full convertible and that's a different level of confusion altogether). A good and easy to understand gauge, however, is the Big Mac index created by The Economist in 1986 to measure how much would in cost to buy a Big Mac (cheese-burger manufactured by McDonald's) in different countries. Based on this you could value how much different currencies are devalued against the dollar.
The Big Mac index

Solo Travel

The Best Countries for Solo Travelers
35 Amazing and Easy! Solo Trips
How to keep you and your finances safe